The Australian National University
Research School of Chemistry
2003 Annual Report
document location:

See also :   2004 RSC Annual Report.

2003 RSC Annual Report

If you have Adobe Acrobat Reader configured as a browser plug-in, click here to view the title page of the report, or view the PDF contents page.

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Parts of the report can be also viewed as standard web pages by clicking on the HTML links below.

Contact Details

[html ]   [pdf ]

Dean’s Report

[html ]   pdf ]

Mission Statement

[html ]   pdf ]

Senior Staff

[html ]   pdf ]
Research Summaries
 Biological Chemistry
  N E Dixon Protein Synthesis and Evolution [html ]   pdf ]
  M A Keniry Nuclear Magnetic Resonance [html ]   pdf ]
  D L Ollis Protein Crystallography and Engineering [html ]   pdf ]
  G Otting Structural Biology and Biophysics by NMR [html ]   pdf ]
  A J Oakley Structural Biology [html ]   pdf ]
 Inorganic Chemistry
  G A Heath Coordination Chemistry and Spectro-electrochemistry [html ]   pdf ]
  A F Hill Synthetic Organometallic and Coordination Chemistry [html ]   pdf ]
  S B Wild Inorganic Stereochemistry and Asymmetric Synthesis [html ]   pdf ]
  R L Withers Solid State Inorganic Chemistry [html ]   pdf ]
 Organic Chemistry
  M G Banwell Synthesis and Mechanism [html ]   pdf ]
  C J Easton Biochemical Reactions and Molecular Recognition [html ]   pdf ]
  L N Mander Organic Synthesis [html ]   pdf ]
  M S Sherburn Organic Synthesis, Methodology and Host-Guest Chemistry [html ]   pdf ]
 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry
  M A Collins Theoretical Chemical Physics [html ]   pdf ]
  M L Coote Computational Quantum Chemistry, Polymer Chemistry [html ]   pdf ]
  D J Evans Liquid State Chemical Physics [html ]   pdf ]
  E R Krausz Laser and Optical Spectroscopy [html ]   pdf ]
  L Radom Computational Quantum Chemistry [html ]   pdf ]
  E M Sevick Polymers and Soft Condensed Matter [html ]   pdf ]
  T R Welberry Disordered Materials [html ]   pdf ]
  J W White Solid State Molecular Science [html ]   pdf ]
 Queen Elizabeth II Fellow
  R D Webster   [html ]   pdf ]
 Visiting Fellows (Post-retirement) [html ]   pdf ]
  A L J Beckwith,   M A Bennett,   R Bramley,   D J Brown,
J K MacLeod,   R W Rickards,   A M Sargeson,   J F Williams
 Professorial Adjunct Appointment
  V J James   [html ]   pdf ]


Honours and Awards

[html ]   pdf ]


[html ]   pdf ]
National and International Links
  Collaborative Research Projects   [html ]   pdf ]
  Academic Visitors   [html ]   pdf ]
  Conference Presentations   [html ]   pdf ]
  Invited Lectures   [html ]   pdf ]
  Service to External Organisations   [html ]   pdf ]
 External Lecture Courses
  Outreach Activities   [html ]   pdf ]
Post-graduate Career Development, Education and Training [html ]   pdf ]
 Founders’ Commemoration Lectures (Birch and Craig)
 PhD Degrees Awarded and Present Employment of Graduates
 MPhil Degree Awarded
 Postdoctoral Fellows, Research Fellows and Fellows - Completions and Destinations
 Research Students
 Visiting Scholars
 Honours Scholars
 Summer Scholar Program
Internal Management
 Administrative Support Structure [html ]   pdf ]
 Technical Support and Research Services [html ]   pdf ]
  • ANU Microanalytical Services Unit
  • Computer Unit
  • Single Crystal X-ray Diffraction Unit
  • Mass Spectrometry Service
  • University NMR Centre
  • Carpentry and Paint Workshops
  • Cryogenics Unit
  • Electrical Unit
  • Electronics Unit
  • Glassblowing Unit
  • Mechanical Workshop
 Committees, Representatives, and Office Bearers [html ]   pdf ]
 Environmental Policy [html ]   pdf ]
 Equal Opportunity [html ]   pdf ]
  • Comment on Gender Equity Strategies
  • Student Profiles and Recruitment Plans
Interactions Across the University [html ]   pdf ]
  • Undergraduate Lecture Courses in The Faculties
  • University and School Service
Finance [html ]   pdf ]
  • Financial Summary
  • Outside Grants and Contracts


  [html ]   pdf ]
Statistics [html ]   pdf ]

2002 Annual Report