Adjunct Professor Veronica James

Research Summary

Fibre diffraction of hair can be used as a totally non-invasive screening test for breast cancer for women of all ages. (with Professor John Kearsley [Cancer Care, St George Hospital, Sydney], Dr B.E. Willis [Eastmoreland Hospital, Portland Oregon], Dr Osmo Räsänen, [Breast Cancer Centre, Turku, Finland])

Fibre diffractionis able to diagnose the presence of these cancers at an earlier stage than any other cancer. (with Dr Terry Robertson, Dr Alex Boyd and Professor John Papadimitriou,[Division of Pathology, School of Surgery and Pathology University of WA])

Fibre diffraction of hair can be used as a totally non-invasive screening test for colon cancer. (with Dr Adrian Polyglase [Monash University Medical School, Victoria])

Fibre diffraction of hair can be used as a totally non-invasive screening test for liver cancer. (with Dr Gary Abrams [University of Alabama, Birmingham], Dr Morris [St George Hospital, Sydney, NSW])

Fibre diffraction of hair may be used as a relatively inexpensive, non-invasive gene test. (with Professor Rodney Scott [Molecular Genetics and Cytogenetics, Hunter Area Pathology Service, NSW])

Chemical Analysis to determine the origin of the change in the a;keratin structure of hair in breast cancer. (with Dr Gary Corino [CSIRO Fibre Technology, Geelong, Victoria])

Fibre diffraction of hair can be used as a totally non-invasive screening test for Alzheimer's Disease. (with Dr Terry Robertson and Professor John Papadimitriou [Division of Pathology, School of Surgery and Pathology University of WA])


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