National and International Links

Service to External Organisations

Professor M.G. BANWELL, Chair, Editorial Advisory Committee, Australian Journal of Chemistry; Consultant, Genencor International Inc, Palo Alto; Consultant, Biota Holdings Ltd, Melbourne; Member, Editorial Boards, Indian Journal of Chemistry (Section B), Synlett; Member, Board of Consulting Editors, Tetrahedron, Tetrahedron Letters;Asia-Pacific Representative, Advisory Committee to the International Society for Heterocyclic Chemistry; Member, Advisory Board, Special Centre for Green Chemistry, Monash University; Reader, ARC grant applications.

Professor M.A. COLLINS, Committee member, Physical Chemistry Division, Royal Australian Chemical Institute (RACI).

Dr N.E. DIXON, Visiting Lecturer, School of Chemistry, University of Sydney; Assessor, NH&MRC grant applications.

Professor C.J. EASTON, Member, Board, Federation of Australian Scientific and Technological Societies (FASTS); Chair, Organic Chemistry Division, RACI; President, ACT Branch, RACI; Chair, RACI Fellowships Committee (ACT Branch); Member, External Academic Advisory Board (Chemistry), Deakin University; Specialist Advisor, Tertiary Education Commission, New Zealand; Specialist Advisor (Chemistry), Faculty of Science, University of Adelaide; Member, Editorial Board, ARKIVOC; Member, Referee Panel, Chemical Communications; Member, Editorial Advisory Board, Current Organic Synthesis; Member, Editorial Advisory Board, Mini Reviews in Organic Chemistry; Member, Editorial Advisory Board, Letters in Organic Chemistry; Member, Board, Asian and Oceanian Cyclodextrin League; Member, Scientific Committee, Ninth International Society for Free Radical Research Conference, 2004; Chair, Organising Committee, 20th Royal Australian Chemical Institute Organic Conference; Chair, Organising Committee, Symposium on Free Radicals in Chemistry and Biology, Pacifichem 2005; Member, Management Committee, UnIChe Program.

Professor D.J. EVANS, Australian Academy of Science; Member, Information and Communications Technology Sub-Committee; Australian academy of Science; Member, Merit Allocation Committee, Australian Partnership in Advanced Computing (APAC); Member, organising Committee; Liblice Conferences on Statistical mechanics of liquids; Member, Editorial Advisory Board, Chemical Physics; Member, Editorial Boards, Molecular Simulation, Molecular Physics; Assessor/Reader, ARC grant applications.

Dr G.A. HEATH, Member, Raman Microscope Steering Committee, University of Canberra; Member, International Editorial Advisory Board, Dalton Transactions; Member, IR Beamline Advisory Panel, Australian Synchrotron Research Program.

Dr P.J. MAHON, Raman Microscopy and Allied Facilities Officer, University of Canberra.

Professor A.F. HILL, Reader, Member, Referee Panel, Chemical Communications; Editor, Advances in Organometallic Chemistry (Academic Press); Member, Editorial Advisory Board, Organometallics; Member, International Editorial Advisory Board, Dalton Transactions; ARC grant applications.

Professor E.R. KRAUSZ, RACI Physical Chemistry Committee Member; Assessor NSF and ARC research Grant Applications.

Professor L.N. MANDER, Council Member and Member of Finance Committee, Australian Academy of Science; Member, Government Legislation Sub-committee of the Policy Committee, RACI; Member, Editorial Advisory Boards, Current Organic Chemistry; Dictionary of Organic Compounds; Heterocycles; Natural Product Reports; Synthesis; Synlett; Member, Board of Consulting Editors, Tetrahedron, Tetrahedron Letters; Assessor, ARC grant applications.

Selection Committees for Academy of Science awards: Selby Fellowship (chair), Craig Medal (chair), Flinders Medal and Scientific visits to the United States of America awards for young Australian researchers 2004.

Dr D.L. OLLIS, Assessor, ARC and NH&MRC applications.

Professor G. OTTING, Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Biomolecular NMR; Assessor, ARC and NH&MRC grant applications.

Professor L. RADOM, Vice-president and President-elect, World Association of Theoretically Oriented Chemists; Co-organiser, Computational Chemistry in the 21st Century, Melbourne, Australia, June 2003; Member, Editorial Advisory Boards, Advances in Quantum Chemistry; European Journal of Mass Spectrometry; International Journal of Quantum Chemistry; Journal of Computational Chemistry; Journal of Molecular Structure: Theochem; Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry.

Dr M.S. SHERBURN, Secretary, ACT Branch, Royal Australian Chemical Institute; Treasurer, 2004 ISMC/RACIOC Chemistry Conference.

Professor T.R. WELBERRY, Past President and member of Council, Society of Crystallographers in Australia and New Zealand (SCANZ), Member, National Committee for Crystallography of the Australian Academy of Science; Co-editor, Journal of Applied Crystallography; Member, Single Crystal Instrument Advisory Team, Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation.

Dr D.J. GOOSSENS, Member, Instrument Advisory Teams for the Powder Diffraction Instrument, the Three Axis Spectrometer and the Polarisation Analysis Spectrometer, Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation.

Professor S.B. WILD, Consulting Editor, Tetrahedron: Asymmetry; Member, Editorial Advisory Board, Main Group Chemistry; Member, Selection Committee, Australian-German Research Cooperation Scheme; Guest Professor, PhD Program, University of Leipzig.

Professor R.L. WITHERS, Member, Aperiodic Commission of the International Union of Crystallography; Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Solid State Chemistry; Member, International Advisory Board, Aperiodic 2003.

Professor J.W. WHITE, Immediate Past President, Royal Australian Chemical Institute; Chair, National Committee for Crystallography (Australian Academy of Science); Chair, Advisory Committee on Replacement Research Reactor (Australian Academy of Science); Chair, Steering Committee, Evaluation Report to the Antarctic Science Advisory Committee on Australias Antarctic Science Program; Chair, Scholarships Committee, Oxford Australia Fund; Vice-President, Australian Institute of Nuclear Science and Engineering; Chair, Management Committee of University-Industry Linkages in Chemistry (UnIChe); Member, Australian Synchrotron Research Program Policy and Review Board; Member, International Advisory Board, Centre of Excellence for Nanotechnology, University of Queensland; Member, Council of the Asian Crystallographic Association; Member, Board of Governors, Consortium for Advanced Radiation Sources, CARS, University of Chicago; Member, Science Advisory Committee, Central Laboratory of the Research Councils, UK; Member, ISIS Scheduling Panel, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK; Member, Beam Instruments Advisory Group, Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation; Member, Council, Australian Academy of Science; Member, Council, Australian Institute of Nuclear Science and Engineering; Member, Neutron Scattering Specialist Committee, Australian Institute of Nuclear Science and Engineering; Member, Advisory Committee, School of Chemistry, University of Sydney; Member, Australian Academy of Science/Royal Society Exchange Program Committee; Chair, International Advisory Committee for Japanese Atomic Energy Research Institute/KEK J-PARC Project; Member, International Advisory Panel, Faculty of Science, National University of Singapore; Chair, Canberra Fellows Group, Australian Academy of Science; Member, Governing Board, Centre for Australian Cultural Studies; Member, Editorial Boards, Advances in Physics, Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science, Journal of Materials Chemistry, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics; Assessor/Reader, ARC grant applications; Member, Institute for the Study of Christianity in an Age of Science and Technology; Founding Member, International Society for Science and Religion.


Advice to External Organisations - Dr G.A. Heath:

Australian Transport Safety Bureau, Canberra.
Chemical Criminalistics Section, Australian Federal Police, Weston.
Conservation Department, National Gallery of Australia.
Cary Spectrometer Division, Varian Analytical Instruments, Melbourne.
National Museum of Australia.

External Lecture Courses

Dr N.E. Dixon
University of Sydney. First-year special lecture in Molecular Biology and Genetics.

Professor L.N. Mander
Department of Chemistry, University of Colorado June 28-July 27.

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Page last updated: 8 May 2004
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