National and International Links

Academic Visitors

The David Craig Visiting Lecturers

Abell, Professor Christopher BSc PhD Cambridge (appointed in 2002)

Professor of Biological Chemistry, University of Cambridge, UK

Sneikus, Professor Victor A. BSc Alberta MSc California, Berkeley PhD Oregon, FRS(Can) FLAS, Bader Chair in Organic Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, Queens University, Ontario

The Birch Lecturer

Kroto, Professor Sir Harry W. BSc PhD Sheffield FRS, Nobel Laureate; Royal Society Research Professor; School of Chemistry, Physics and Environmental Science, University of Sussex

Visiting Fellows

The following were appointed to short-term positions in the School. They worked on collaborative research projects and presented invited lectures and research seminars for staff and students.

Boeré, Professor René University of Lethbridge, Canada
Brown, Dr Susan E. CSIRO Entomology, Canberra
Cai, Dr Chun Nanjing University of Science & Technology
Coghlan, Dr Phillip A. NRA Canberra/ANUTECH
Creagh, Professor Dudley C. University of Canberra
Delhommelle, Dr Jerome Université Henri Poincaré
Dubicki, Dr Lucjan Australian National University
Duggan, Dr Peter Monash University
Garson, Dr Mary University of Queensland
Gilbert, Dr Elliot P. ANSTO, Sydney
Gordon, Professor Mark Iowa State University
Haller, Dr Kenneth Suranaree University of Tech., Thailand
Hanley, Professor Howard NIST, Colorado, USA
Henry, Dr David RSC
Hoshino, Dr Masaru Osaka University
Jacob, Dr Rebecca RSC
Kralicek, Dr Andrew V. HortResearch, New Zealand
Krantz, Professor William B. University of Cincinnati
Lincoln, Professor Stephen F. University of Adelaide
McGrady, Dr John University of York, UK
Morniroli, Dr Jean-Paul Université de Sc. and Tech de Lille
Nairn, Dr Michael Lipotek/BAMBI collaboration & Glaxo SmithKline
Otero-Díaz, Dr L. Carlos Complutense University, Madrid, Spain
Otieno-Alego, Dr Vincent Australian Federal Police
Pintacuda, Dr Guido Karolinska Institutet, Sweden
Schaefer, Professor Henry University of Georgia, USA
Schmidt, Dr Michael Iowa State University
Smith, Dr David RSC
Tasker, Professor Peter University of Edinburgh
Topf, Dr Maya University of Oxford, UK
Wenger Dr Eric Research Office, ANU
Xia, Dr Ling Glaxo SmithKline
Zank, Dr Johann Sustainable Technologies International, Queanbeyan

Research Seminars

The following were visitors to the School during 2003. They presented invited lectures or research seminars and held discussions with academic staff and students.

Alewood, Professor Paul University of Queensland
Blaney, Dr Frank E. GlaxoSmithKline, Medical Research Centre, UK
Bond, Dr Charles School of Life Sciences, University of Dundee, UK
Bruce, Professor Michael Department of Chemistry University of Adelaide
Bruce, Dr Duncan University of Exeter, UK
Booker-Milburn, Dr Kevin University of Bristol, UK
Best, Dr Stephen University of Melbourne
Bond, Professor Alan Monash University
Brinn, Professor Ira Mark Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Bürgi, Professor Hans-Beat University of Berne, Berne, Switzerland
Canty, Professor Allan University of Tasmania
Constable, Professor Ed University of Basel, Switzerland
Fukuzumi, Professor Shunichi Osaka University, Japan
Foxman, Dr Bruce Brandeis University, USA
Gill, Professor Peter Nottingham University, UK
Howard, Dr C.J. Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation, Sydney
Hueller, Professor Alfred Erlangen University, Germany
Hunter, Professor Allen Youngstown State University Ohio, USA
Katti, Professor Kattesh University of Missouri, Columbia, USA
Khairallah, Dr George La Trobe University
Keene, Professor Richard James Cook University, Queensland
Kelly, Dr Larry Therapeutic Goods Administration, Canberra, ACT
Lawrance, Professor Warren School of Chemistry, Physics and Earth Sciences Flinders University
Leavens, Dr William GlaxoSmithKline Medicines Research Centre, UK
Lennard ,Dr Chris Australian Federal Police
Madsen, Dr Jens Christian Lundbeck A/S, Valby, Denmark
Morniroli, Professor Jean Paul University of Queensland
Nelson, Dr Andrew University of Bristol, UK
Novak, Dr Mike Miami University, USA
Palmer, Dr James Medicinal Chemistry, South San Francisco, California, USA
Pettus, Dr Thomas University of California Santa Barbara, USA
Pohl, Dr Annika Uppsala Universitet, Sweden
Quirke, Professor N. Imperial College, UK
Rauchfuss, Professor Tom University of Illinois, USA
Renaud, Professor Philippe Department fur Chemie, Bern, Switzerland
Rizzardo, Dr Ezio, CSIRO
Rennie, Professor A. Uppsala University, Sweden
Robinson, Professor Ian University of Illinois, USA
Rondoni, Professor Lamberto Politecnico di Torino, Torino, Italy
Schaefer III, Professor Henry F. University of Georgia, USA
Seibert, Professor Michael National Renewable Energy Laboratory Colorado, USA
Scott, Dr Janet Monash University
Schiesser, Professor Carl School of Chemistry, University of Melbourne
Steglich, Professor Wolfgang Butenandter der Universitat, Germany
Smith, Professor Bradley D. University of Notre Dame, USA
Truscott, Associate Professor Roger University of Wollongong
Ulstrup, Professor Jens Technical University of Denmark,
Williams, Professor Alan University Of Geneva, Switzerland  

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