Interactions across the University

Undergraduate Lecture Courses in The Faculties

The following are lecture courses given by RSC staff to undergraduate and Honours class in The Faculties.


Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science

Chem A16 Organic Chemistry - 4 lectures (Sherburn)
Chem A16 Spectroscopy - 4 lectures (Prince)
Chem A16 Chemical Characterisation - 4 lectures (Hill)
Chem A17 Free-radical Polymerisation - 4 lectures (Coote)
Chem A17 Structural Biology by NMR - 4 lectures (Otting)
Chem A17 Organometallic Chemistry - 4 lectures (Schultz - RSC Course Coordinator)
Chem 3102 - Applied Physical Chemistry - 10 lectures - (Sevick)
Chem 2104 Aromatic Chemistry - 5 lectures, 1 tutorial (Hungerford)

The following research students undertook demonstrating and marking in The Chemistry Department, The Faculties:

Chem A14/A16 Demonstrating (Kitto)
Chem A14/A16 Demonstrating (Krenske)
Chem A15 Demonstrating and marking (Wu)
Chem A15/A17 Demonstrating (Caldwell)
Chem A15/A17 Demonstrating (Krenske)
Chem A15/A17 Demonstrating (Lupton)
Chem A15/A17 Demonstrating (O'Connor)
Chem A14/A16 Demonstrating (Watts)
Chem A15/A17 Demonstrating (Debono)
Chem A15/A17 Demonstrating (Hughes)


The following Honours student were jointly supervised by RSC staff and staff of the Chemistry Department, The Faculties

Mr Michael Bartlett Hill/Humphrey
Mr Adrian Hawley White/Pace
Ms Karen Rands-Trevor   Sherburn/Barrow
Mr Matthew Baker Pashley/Sevick

Department of Physics, Faculty of Science

Phys 4003 & Phys 4004 Computational Classical Statistical Mechanics (Honours) - 12 lectures; 8 tutorials (Petravic)

Division of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Faculty of Science

Biol 3181 Protein Structure and Function - 5 lectures, 2 tutorials (Otting)
Biol 2171 Biochemistry - 11 lectures (Ollis)

University Service

Professor M.G. Banwell

IAS Representative, Admissions Committee; Member, Graduate Degrees Committee.

Dr N.E. Dixon

Member, Chemistry Library Advisory Committee (CHEMLAC); Member, Radiation Safety Committee; Liaison Officer, Institutional rDNA Committee.

Professor C.J. Easton:

Convenor, Graduate Studies in Chemistry; Member, Board of the Institute of Advanced Studies; Member, Research Committee; Member, Steering Committee, National Institute of Bioscience.

Professor D.J. Evans

Member, ANU Council; Member, Academic Board; Chair and IAS representative, Consultative Committee, Centre for the Science and Engineeing of Materials (CSEM); Chair, Selection Committee, Director of CSEM; Chair, High Performance Computing Advisory Committee; Chair, Supercomputer Time Allocation Committee, ANU Supercomputer Facility (ANUSF); Coordinator, ANU/Australian Partnership in Advanced Computing (APAC) Expertise Program; Coordinator, ANU Computational Chemistry and Biology Sub-program, ANU/APAC Expertise Program; Member, Board of the Institute of Advanced Studies (BIAS); Member, ANUTECH Science and Technology Advisory Committee; Member, Research Advisory Board, Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics; Member, Board of the National Centre for Theoretical Physics.

Professor A.F. Hill

Member, National Institute of Science Steering Committee; Member, Board of the Institute of Advanced Studies; Member, Research Committee; Member, Appointment Committee, Acting Dean of RSC.

Dr M.A. Keniry

Head, University Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Centre; Ex officio Member, University Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Centre Management Committee.

Professor E.R. Krausz

Member, Centre for Science and Engineering of Materials Committee; Adviser, Research Integrity; Coordinator, ANU Mentoring. Member ANU Radiation Safety Committee.

Professor L.N. Mander

Chair, MSNMR Sub-Committee of Major Equipment Committee.

Member, University Promotions Committee.

Dr D.L. Ollis

Member, Board of Studies, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Graduate Program.

Professor G. Otting

Member, Research Advisory Board, John Curtin School of Medical Research.

Professor L. Radom

Member, Science Library Advisory Committee (SCILAC); Member, Reappointment Committees, RSPhysSE

Professor A.D. Rae

Member, Radiation Safety Subcommittee-Occupational Health and Safety Policy.

Dr E.M. Sevick

Member, Major Equipment Committee (MEC).

Professor T.R. Welberry

Member, RSAA/RSES Local Promotions Committee.

Professor J.W. White

Member, University Staff Consultative Committee; Member, Board of the Institute of Advanced Studies; Member, Art Acquisitions Committee

Professor R.L. Withers

Member, ANUEMU Microscopy Strategic Advisory Group; Member, Microscopy sub-committee of the ANU Major Equipment Committee; Member, ANU Post-graduate Research Scholarships Committee.

A list of School committees, representatives and office bearers is given in the Internal Management section.

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Page last updated: 9 May 2004
Please direct all enquiries to: Research School of Chemistry
Page authorised by: Dean, Research School of Chemistry
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