
The number of females included in the totals is shown in brackets.

Academic staff at 31 March 2003 54.5 (13)
Standard appointments 17.5(0) 
Non-continuing staff B to D
(including UnIChe/excluding PDFs)
Postdoctoral fellows (including Progen/UnIChe) 25(10) 
QEII Fellow 1(0) 
ARC Postdoctoral Fellows 2(1) 
Feodor Lynen Fellow A v.HS 1(0) 
Wenner-Gren EMBO Fellow 1(1) 
Mexican Council Sc/Tech Fellow 1(1) 
Visiting Fellows during 2003 45 (4)
Postgraduate students at 31 March 2003
(including 2 part time; excluding 4 completing students - TTS)
63 (23)
PhD degrees awarded 11 (3)
MPhil degrees awarded 1 (0)
General staff at 31 March 2003
(equivalent full-time positions)
66.28 (24.78)
Technical/Research 35.57(8.57) 
Administrative/Computing 20.86(13.36) 
Other 9.85(2.85) 

Note: Externally funded fixed-term appointments (including research staff funded from successful ARC grant awards) as at 31 March 2003 = 16

as at 31 December 2003 = 24  

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