National and International Links

Invited Lectures

M.G. Banwell presented the invited lecture: The Development of New Methodologies for the Synthesis of Heterocyclic Compounds, at the Chemistry Department, University of Southampton, UK (18.07.03).

N.E. Dixon spent periods of Outside Studies at the University of Auckland, New Zealand in April, and the University of Queensland in October. He gave two invited seminars at the School of Biological Sciences, University of Auckland entitled Protein Structure and Function: an overview of selected projects, and Insights into DNA Replications: Structure and Function of DnaB, E. coli Replicative Helicase, and one at the Mt Albert Laboratories, HortResearch, Auckland, New Zealand entitled The New Protein Chemistry.

C.J. Easton gave invited lectures at James Cook University and Doshisha University, Kyoto, Japan entitled Cyclodextrin Molecular Reactors and Machines

D.J. Evans gave the invited lectures: The Fluctuation Theorem - Theory and Experiment at Rutgers University, USA; Thermodynamic limits to nanomachine at the Australian Academy of Science Symposium, Canberra; Thermodynamics and the fluctuation theorem and MEP Workshop, Canberra.

P.J. Mahon presented the invited lecture: Convolution in Voltammetry, at La Trobe University, Melbourne on 19th March.

G. Otting gave invited lectures: Structural Biology, NMR and Paramagnetically Labelled Proteins, at the institute for Molecular Bioscience, University of Queensland (02.05.03) and the University of Wollongong, NSW (23.06.03).

L. Radom gave the Dozor Lecture, Ben Gurion University, Beer Sheva, Israel, 22 December and also presented the named lecture: The Mechanism of Action of Coenzyme B12, and the Lise Meitner Lecture, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel, 28 December; Hebrew University Jerusalem, Israel, 31 December

J.S. Simpson gave invited lectures at the University of Sydney and the University of Adelaide entitled Understanding and Exploiting Mechanism in Chemistry and Biology.

S.B. Wild presented a lecture entitled Chiral Phosphines and Arsines: Resolutions and Asymmetric Syntheses at the University of Cambridge, UK.

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