Honours and Awards

Professor Leo Radom was selected as the 2003 Lise Meitner Lecturer at the Hebrew University Jerusalem, the Weizmann Institute of Science, and the Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, and as the Dozor Lecturer at Ben Gurion University, Beer Sheva, Israel.

Professor S. Bruce Wild, was elected Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science in May.

Professor Michael Collins was awarded the "Physical Chemistry Division Medal" for 2002-2003 by the Physical Chemistry Division of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute.

The Dean’s Prize 2003

The Prize, of $1,000 for the best PhD thesis of the year, was awarded to Dr Hideki Onagi, who was supervised by Professor Chris Easton of the Organic Chemistry Group.

The Dean’s General Staff Excellence Award was awarded to Mr Gordon Lockhart.

Mr Adam Perriman won an AINSE Postgraduate Scholarship valued at $13,000 to provide access to the national facilities at ANSTO or other AINSE supported facilities.

RACI (NSW Organic Chemistry Group) 24th Annual One-day Symposium

Mr James Crow won the award for the best student talk, entitled Studies Directed Towards the Synthesis of Gibberellin Photoaffinity Probes

Ms Natalie Miller won an outstanding poster award for a presentation entitled Synthesis and Reactions of Dendralenes

RACI (NSW Organic Chemistry Group) 24th Annual One-day Symposium and the 19th Royal Australian Chemical Institute Organic Conference in Lorne, 6-11 July

Ms Marta Cieslinski won an outstanding poster award for a presentation entitled Cyclodextrins as Components of Molecular Devices

Ms Marta Cieslinski and Ms Lorna Barrreceived postgraduate travel awards from the National Institute of Biosciences to participate in the 39th IUPAC Congress, Ottawa, Canada, 10-15 August

Ms Lorna Barr received a postgraduate student award to participate in the 14th Southern Highlands Conference on Heterocyclic Chemistry, Moss Vale, 7-9 September

Ms Elizabeth S. Barrett won the prize for the best student poster entitled Synthesis and Host-Guest Properties of Chiral Cavitands at the 7th International Conference on Calixarenes, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 13-16th August.

Mr Brendon J.W. Barratt received the Jim O'Donnell International Travel Award of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute and gave an invited lecture at the Gordon Conference on Free Radicals, New Hampshire, July

Mr Stephen B. McNabb was awarded a Japan Society Prize for the Promotion of Science Postdoctoral Fellowship.

Honours Scholar Awards

Mr Junming HO, with Professor Collins and Professor Rob Stranger (Department of Chemistry, The Faculties) won the 2002 Adrien Albert Honours Chemistry Prize and the 2002 University Medal in Chemistry. Both were presented at the Autumn Conferring of Degrees ceremony.

Mr Peter WU, with Professor Otting and Dr Russel Barrow (Department of Chemistry, The Faculties), won the 2003 Masson Memorial Scholarship Prize from the Royal Australian Chemical Institute (RACI).  

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