The Australian National University
Research School of Chemistry
2002 Annual Report
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2002 RSC Annual Report

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Lastly, some parts of the report can be viewed as standard web pages by clicking on the HTML links below.

Contact Details   [ html ]   [pdf ]

Dean's Report   [ html ]   [pdf ]

Mission Statement   [html ]   [pdf ]

Senior Staff   [ html ]   [pdf ]


Research Summaries

Biological Chemistry

Protein Synthesis and Evolution - Dixon, N.E.   [ html ]   [ pdf ]
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance - Keniry, M.A.   [ html ]   [ pdf ]
Protein Crystallography and Engineering - Ollis, D.   [ html ]   [ pdf ]
Biomolecular NMR - Otting, G.   [ html ]   [ pdf ]
Biomolecular Simulations and Calculations - Torda, A.E.   [ html ]   [ pdf ]

Inorganic Chemistry

Coordination Chemistry, Kinetics and Mechanism - Brasch, N.E.   [ html ]   [ pdf ]
Coordination Chemistry and Spectro-Electrochemistry - Heath, G.A.   [ html ]   [ pdf ]
Synthetic Organometallic and Coordination Chemistry - Hill, A.F.   [ html ]   [ pdf ]
Inorganic Stereochemistry and Asymmetric Synthesis - Wild, S.B.   [ html ]   [ pdf ]
Solid State Chemistry - Withers, R.L.   [ html ]   [ pdf ]

Organic Chemistry

Synthesis and Mechanism - Banwell, M.G.   [ html ]   [ pdf ]
Biochemical Reactions and Molecular Recognition - Easton, C.J.   [ html ]   [ pdf ]
Organic Synthesis - Mander, L.N.   [ html ]   [ pdf ]
Organic Synthesis, Methodology and Host-Guest Chemistry - Sherburn, M.   [ html ]   [ pdf ]

Physical and Theoretical Chemistry

Theoretical Chemical Physics - Collins, M.A.   [ html ]   [ pdf ]
Liquid State Chemical Physics - Evans, D.J.   [ html ]   [ pdf ]
Laser and Optical Spectroscopy - Krausz, E.R.   [ html ]   [ pdf ]
Computational Quantum Chemistry - Radom, L.   [ html ]   [ pdf ]
Polymers and Soft Condensed Matter - Sevick, E.M.   [ html ]   [ pdf ]
Disordered Materials - Welberry, T.R.   [ html ]   [ pdf ]
Solid State Molecular Science - White, J.W.   [ html ]   [ pdf ]

Queen Elizabeth II Fellows

Webster, R.D.   [ html ]   [ pdf ]
Wenger, E.   [ html ]   [ pdf ]
Externally Funded Collaborations   [ pdf ]
Visiting Fellows (Post-retirement)   [ pdf ]


Honours and Awards   [pdf ]

National and International Links   [pdf ]

Collaborative Research Projects   [ pdf ]
Academic Visitors   [ pdf ]
Conference Presentations   [ pdf ]
Invited Lectures   [ pdf ]
Service to External Organisations  [ pdf ]
Outreach Activities   [ html ]   [ pdf ]


Publications   [ html ]   [ pdf ]

Post-graduate Career Development, Education and Training   [pdf ]

Internal Management

Administrative Support Structure   [ pdf ]
Technical Support and Research Services   [ pdf ]
Committees, Representatives, and Office Bearers   [ pdf ]


Environmental Policy   [pdf ]

Equal Opportunity   [pdf ]

Interactions Across the University   [pdf ]

Finance   [pdf ]

Staff   [pdf ]

Statistics   [pdf ]


Current Annual Report