Australian National UniversityQuantum Chemistry at ANU

Papers of 1997

  1. 63. An ab initio study of anharmonicity and matrix effects on the hydrogen-bonded BrH:NH3 complex JE Del Bene, MJT Jordan, PMW Gill, AD Buckingham Mol Phys 92 (1997) 429
  2. 62. Effects of Coulomb attenuation on chemical properties RD Adamson, PMW Gill J Mol Struct (Theochem) 398 (1997) 45
  3. 61. A tensor approach to two-electron matrix elements TR Adams, RD Adamson, PMW Gill J Chem Phys 107 (1997) 124
  4. 60. A new expansion of the Coulomb interaction PMW Gill Chem Phys Lett 270 (1997) 193
  5. 59. Optimal partition of the Coulomb operator AM Lee, SW Taylor, JP Dombroski, PMW Gill Phys Rev A 55 (1997) 3233