The Australian National University
Research School of Chemistry
2005 Annual Report
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2005 RSC Annual Report

The complete 2005 Annual Report is available in pdf format (2.8 Mbytes)
Or each section can be viewed individually (also in pdf format).
View 2005 Report

Front and Back Covers

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Title Page

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Dean’s Report

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Research Highlights

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Mission Statement

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Senior Staff

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Research Summaries

Biological Chemistry

N E Dixon Protein Structure and Function   [ pdf ]
M A Keniry Nuclear Magnetic Resonance   [ pdf ]
A J Oakley Structural Biology   [ pdf ]
D L Ollis Protein Crystallography and Engineering   [ pdf ]
G Otting Biomolecular NMR   [ pdf ]

Inorganic Chemistry

A F Hill Synthetic Organometallic and Coordination Chemistry   [ pdf ]
S B Wild Inorganic Stereochemistry and Asymmetric Synthesis   [ pdf ]
R L WithersSolid State Inorganic Chemistry   [ pdf ]

Organic Chemistry

M G Banwell Synthesis and Mechanism   [ pdf ]
C J Easton Biochemical Reactions and Molecular Recognition   [ pdf ]
L N Mander Organic Synthesis   [ pdf ]
M S Sherburn Organic Synthesis, Methodology and Host-guest Chemistry   [ pdf ]

Physical and Theoretical Chemistry

M A Collins Theoretical Chemical Physics   [ pdf ]
M L Coote Computational Quantum Chemistry, Polymer Chemistry   [ pdf ]
D J Evans Liquid State Chemical Physics   [ pdf ]
P M W Gill Theoretical Quantum Chemistry   [ pdf ]
E R Krausz Laser and Optical Spectroscopy   [ pdf ]
E M Sevick Polymers and Soft Condensed Matter   [ pdf ]
R D Webster Molecular Electrochemistry   [ pdf ]
T R Welberry Disordered Materials   [ pdf ]
J W White Solid State Molecular Science   [ pdf ]

Visiting Fellows (Post-retirement)

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A L J Beckwith,   M A Bennett,   R Bramley,   D J Brown,   J K MacLeod,   R W Rickards,   A M Sargeson  

Honours and Awards

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National and International Links

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Collaborative Research Projects>
Academic Visitors
Conference Presentations
Plenary and Invited Lectures
Service to External Organisations
External Lectures and Courses
Outreach Activities

Post-graduate Career Development, Education & Training

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The David Craig Lecture Series  
Graduate Program in Chemistry  
Degrees Awarded and Present Employment of Graduates  
Postdoctoral Fellows, Research Fellows and Fellows – Completions and Destinations  
PhD Scholars  
Visiting Scholars  
Honours Scholars  
Summer Scholar Program  

Interactions Across the University

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Undergraduate Lecture Courses Presented in The Faculties  
University Service  

Internal Management

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Administrative Support Structure  
Technical Support and Research Services  
Environment Policy  

School Committees, Representatives, and Office Bearers

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Financial Summary  
Outside Grants and Contracts  

Equal Opportunity

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2004 Annual Report