Research Interests

Free Radical Reactions of Amino Acids, Peptides and Proteins       

Our objectives in this area are: i) to develop methods to regulate biochemical processes associated with disease states, ii) to produce physiologically active compounds with potential as pharmaceuticals, iii) to develop biomimetic synthetic methods, and iv) to produce enzymes with novel functions and mechanisms of action, to efficiently catalyse classes of chemical processes outside the normal biological range.

Supramolecular Chemistry and Molecular Recognition       

The other main field of research is in the area of supramolecular chemistry and molecular recognition, and involves the design, synthesis and evaluation of molecular hosts.

Other Collaborative Research

Other research involves studies of the structure of melamine.urea.formaldehy resins, and the search for alternative reagents and improved manufacturing processes. Biochemical molecular recognition processes are also being studied, including the design and development of compounds to inhibit and stimulate ion-flux through calcium ion channels, and the development of novel enzymes.

       - Novel Amino Resins
       - Biochemical Molecular Recognition Processes
       - Other Collaborative Research

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