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Research School of Chemistry
Craig Lecture


The Research School of Chemistry

is pleased to announce that the

2006 Craig Lecture




"Excess Electrons and Protons in Water: a Cluster Perspective"

will be presented by

Professor Kenneth Jordan

Department of Chemistry, Chevron Science Centre, Pittsburgh


Tuesday 14th November 2006 @ 5.00pm

in the Research School of Chemistry, Lecture Theatre

Light refreshments will be served following the lecture

Professor Jordan will be presenting 4 additional lectures:

All staff are welcome to attend a farwell BBQ, to be held in the RSC Courtyard/Tearoom in honour of Professor Jordan, on 29th November 2006 @ 12.30pm

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Page last updated: 8 November 2006
Please direct all enquiries to: Research School of Chemistry
Page authorised by: Director, Research School of Chemistry
The Australian National University -- CRICOS Provider Number 00120C