Research School of Chemistry
Birch Lecture
Birch LectureWednesday, 15th April 2009 @ 5.00pm RSC Lecture Theatre
Powering the Planet: The Challenge for Science in the 21st Century
Daniel G. Nocera Henry Dreyfus Professor of Energy Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA USA
Of the possible sustainable and renewable carbon-neutral energy sources, sunlight is preeminent. If photosynthesis can be duplicated outside of the leaf - an artificial photosynthesis if you will - then the sun's energy can be harnessed as a fuel. The combination of water and light from the sun can be used to produce hydrogen and oxygen. The hydrogen can then be combined with the oxygen in a fuel cell to give back water and energy. In the overall cycle, sunlight is converted to useful energy. This talk will place the scale of the global energy issue in perspective and then discuss how an artificial photosynthesis to power our planet might be achieved. |