Australian National UniversityQuantum Chemistry at ANU

Computational Chemistry Group Meetings

Date Speaker Caterer Title
28 DecChristmas
21 DecMalaysia
14 DecDebMattThe &alpha to &Omega of Intracule Functional Theory
07 DecBerkeley
30 NovMattYvesCharged questions
23 NovYvesJiaRelativistic limit of the Dirac equation for the H atom
16 NovJiaTitouDensity Functional Perturbation Theory
09 NovTitouAndrewEc for two electrons in the high-density limit
02 NovAndrewPeteRotation, vibration and rotation and vibration
26 OctPeteJoshDeterministic SCF techniques
19 OctCHEM 3060 seminars
12 OctJoshLeafAverage interparticle distance
05 OctLabour Day
28 SepLeafMattIdiots' Guide to radical stability
21 SepPeterStevePair correlation energies
14 SepSteveDaveWheatley atoms
07 SepDaveDebThe natural way to correlation
31 AugDebKaewLessons from H --- H
24 AugKaewTerryRC integrals are not trivial
17 AugTerryMattTranslational symmetry is hard
10 AugMattYvesMaking sense of experiment
03 AugYvesJiaScience at the Summer Solstice
27 JulUPEI, Canada
20 JulHalifax, Canada
13 JulJiaTitouIntro to 1/Z perturbation theory
06 JulMt Selwyn
29 JunTitouLeafTwo electrons on a D-sphere
22 JunLeafPeterQSAR: The $1M Question
15 JunAndrewNo-oneIterated Stockholder Atoms
08 JunQueen's Birthday
01 JunPeterDaveHFPT for the He atom
25 MayDaveYvesCoulomb-attenuated correlation II
18 MayTerryDebThe H2 + H2+ reaction mechanism
11 MayDebKaewDiatomic vibrational spectroscopy
04 MayKaewMattReduced-rank HF and MP2
27 AprAnzac Day
20 AprYvesJiaSemiclassical mechanics
13 AprEaster
06 AprMattTitouGPS for Maxwell's Demon
30 MarJiaPeterRydberg states of helium atom
23 MarTitouDaveTwo Electrons on a Sphere
16 MarAthens, USA
09 MarCanberra Day
02 MarAndrewTerryQ-Chem User Interface
23 FebPeter 11:00---Comp. Maths Seminar (G35)
16 FebDaveDebCoulomb-attenuated correlation
09 FebTerryKaewPotentials for multi-state dynamics
02 FebDeb 11:00---Comp. Maths Seminar (G35)
26 JanAustralia Day
19 JanKaewMattReduced-Rank Schroedinger Eqn
12 JanMattYvesAll I wanted for Christmas
05 JanYvesPeterPosmom: the dilation generator