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Dialing into OzEmail using X-ISP

X-ISP is probably not installed on your system by default, so you will need to find the source and install it yourself. Since X-ISP is built on the XFORMS library, you must first install that. If this all sounds like too much trouble it's not that hard, and worth the effort if the other methods described here are not working for you.

Xforms has a web page and the precompiled binary can be downloaded. Once you have this, untar it
(tar zxvf bxform-088-glibc.tgz) then change to the xforms directory and type make install.

Click here to visit the main X-ISP site.
X-ISP can also be downloaded from a closer mirror site.

To install X-ISP, untar it and change to the directory it creates. The makefile is configured for Slackware linux. If you are not using Slackware, edit the Makefile. Comment out the Normal vars (e.g. Slackware) section (add a single # to the start of each line). Then go down to the section appropriate to your version of Linux (eg Red Hat or Debian) and uncomment it. Remove only a single #. Lines with two hash signs should still have a single hash when you're finished. If you have problems or want to explor other configuration options, read the INSTALL file in the same directory.

Now type make to compile the program. If no errors occur, type make install (as root) to install the program.

Now you're ready to run the program. Type xisp &
Select options --> Accounnt Information --> Add   and add an entry for OzEmail.
Click on the Default ISP and PAP-Secrets radio buttons.
Fill in the Phone no(s), User/Name and Remote name panels. If you leave out the memote name you will get a continuous stream of PAP request/deny pairs when you try to connect.

Select options --> Dialing and Login
and in the Manual Login: Terminal after connection section, select No.

In the Automatic Login: section fill in the table as follows:

Expect: Send:
OK "ATDT 62578155"


Select options --> Communication Options

The defaults will probably be acceptable here. My settings are:
Device:   /dev/modem
Reset:   ATZ
Init:   AT
Connect String:   CONNECT
Serial Port Baud Rate:   115200
Flow control:   Hardware RTS/CTS
Dialing method:   Tone
SW Compression:   Off
Asyncmap:   00
Escape:   No


Select options --> TCP/IP Options

Make the following settings:
Dynamic local IP address:   Yes
Dynamic remote IP address:   Yes
Add default route to routing table:   Yes
DNS support:   Yes
Primary DNS Server:
Secondary DNS Server:


Assuming you are running X-ISP as root, these settings are saved in the file .xisprc in root's home directory.
You should now be able to select Connect. If the connection is successful, the Disconnect button becomes active, and the modem speed and Assigned IP address fields are filled in.

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